How Louisville first responders handle the hot weather

  • Source: WAVE-TV NBC 3 Louisville
  • Published: 06/14/2022 01:39 PM

Some people have no choice but to stay out in the hot weather, including the people who work to keep the community safe. Firefighters’ turnout gear already keeps in heat on a normal day, but during excessive heat warnings, wearing it for too long could be dangerous. “It puts a lot of strain on the people, just normally, not even in the heat,” Jody Meiman, executive director of Louisville Metro Emergency Management said. “So when they wear that, that gear keeps all the heat inside there and it will accelerate your body heating up a lot faster.” During extreme weather, Louisville Metro fire and EMS call in additional equipment earlier than normal so first responders can relieve others if they need a break. In addition, rehab vehicles are at scenes on standby so firefighters can recover from the heat faster.


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