Kentucky News

Friday, May 3, 2024

Perry County officials sign mutual aid agreement

Perry County officials are working to ensure the safety of the community. Officials signed a mutual aid agreement to help in emergency situations. Perry County Judge-Executive Scott Alexander said with the help of a grant, they will purchase new radios that fire, police, 911 and EMS officials can communicate on. “We could share the radio signals with them and have all of our first responders on the same channels that they are on. So, it’s a great grant and it brings about a better response for this community,” he said. He said it is important for first responders to be on the same page. “And when you’ve got all of them on the same channel, you can hear what each agency is doing. It makes their response times and interactions in the disaster much better,” he added.
WYMT-TV CBS 57 Hazard

Update: Owensboro firefighters share experience after visiting Czech Republic

VIDEO: Owensboro firefighters returned from meeting fellow firefighters in Owensboro’s sister city in the Czech Republic. Ten firefighters visited the city of Olomouc as part of a new exchange program last month. The firefighters traded ideas about equipment, and got to see techniques with live demonstrations. Owensboro Fire Chief James Howard said some of the things they saw at fire stations in the Czech Republic could influence future designs and updates to stations in Owensboro.
WEHT-TV ABC 25 Evansville

Thursday, May 2, 2024

House in Lexington damaged after fire

A home on Trent Boulevard in Lexington was damaged after a fire on Wednesday. Fire officials on the scene say that the house was home to a family of three, and the fire reportedly started outside in the back but spread to the inside of the home, resulting in damage to the back of the house. The fire was called in by a neighbor, and the Red Cross was called to help the family find somewhere to stay. No injuries were reported from the incident, and the cause remains under investigation.
WLEX-TV NBC 18 Lexington

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