Understanding the Role of IAFC; Support Dan Munsey for 2024 IAFC Second Vice President
Published: 5/06/2024
Author: Dan Munsey, MPA, EFO, CFO, Fire Chief

Since announcing my candidacy for the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) 2nd Vice President, I've been frequently asked, "What does the IAFC do for me?"

In my 29 years of service, I cannot recall a more complex time to be a fire service leader. Recently, international regulations have been proposed to reduce the requirement for a second staircase to a single staircase for buildings over three stories high. Worldwide, Lithium-ion batteries present severe safety problems for firefighters and civilians alike. Cancer and behavioral health issues affect all classifications of our fire service membership. Additionally, wildfires threaten our communities and environment globally. Agencies are having difficulties in recruiting, training, and retaining our fire service members. Regardless of jurisdiction, our firefighters and civilian populations require more real-time information and technology to keep them safe, but our budgets often fall short of meeting these needs adequately. These complex problems are international problems and cannot be fully solved at the local level.

Never before has the International Association of Fire Chiefs been more important in globally addressing our collective challenges. The critical thinking and solutions required for these complex problems exceed the capabilities of individual fire service agencies and our state and national associations. It's crucial to listen to diverse perspectives that build upon state and geographical region platforms to solve the complex fire service leadership environment. Multi-national legislation, public education, and high-level advocacy are essential to solve our complex problems.

On May 14th, full (regular) and small-community members of the IAFC will choose their next 2nd Vice President. My decision to run for this significant position has been a culmination of 29 years of fire service experience and relationship building while working hard to acquire the necessary relationships and skills to lead at one of the highest levels in the fire service; it is a responsibility I do not take lightly.

Those who know me understand my passion for innovation and my proven track record in fire service leadership. Innovation is critical to effecting change in our fire service. Albert Einstein is often quoted as saying, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." For many years, I've had conversations with fire service leaders who claimed to be progressive, but upon further discussion, I discovered that most were very stagnant in their viewpoints. Innovation is necessary to address the evolving fire service. As a leader, I embrace and encourage change and recognize that the best change in the IAFC will come from our committees, sections, divisions, and allied state and regional associations when it is supported by the top-leadership.

Our United States Fire Administrator, Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell, has called us to action—to speak with "One Voice." As the 2nd Vice-President, this is one of the most important tasks: to listen to our members, committees, sections, and divisions, and speak with one collective voice on national and international fire, rescue, and EMS issues. Our association should be a pillar of support for the fire service, addressing our education, advocacy, legislative, and professional development needs. Through alignment and effective communication, we can amplify our impact and better serve our members.

My career has been built on two principles—"Service Above Oneself" (the Rotary International Motto) and "We are better together." With 29 years of extensive experience as an association leader, relationship builder, and advocate for public safety legislation, I am positioned to drive positive change within our organization. We must find alignment on a broad scale of fire service associations. Each association has an important role to play, and each has a "lane" that drives the association. As the 2nd Vice President, it is critical to build mutual understanding with other allied public safety associations and work to provide an international "One Voice" that leads to improvement in firefighter safety and the safety of the citizens we serve.

It would be my honor to serve you, the members, as your 2nd Vice President on the IAFC Board of Directors. I humbly ask for your vote on May 14th and your support as we move forward. If you would like to discuss in greater details the complex problems we face together and the IAFC, please contact me at DanielRobertMunsey@Outlook.com or on my cell at: 760-774-2569.

For more information on my candidacy, please click this link or visit: https://www.iafc.org/membership/iafc-election/second-vp-candidate-chief-dan-munsey.

Thank you for your support.

Dan Munsey (MPA, EFO, CFO)
Fire Chief, San Bernardino County Fire Protection District

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