Do you have an idea, service or product you think may work for the fire service?
Published: 6/18/2013
Author: Jeffrey D. Johnson, Executive Director, Western Fire Chiefs Association

Join us for the FRI FireCrucible bought to you by the Western Fire Chiefs! This is a unique way for your business to gain valuable and informed customer insight into your product or service. You may be planning to launch an entirely new product into the Fire and Rescue market, adapting a current offering, or seeking to gain approval for development funding in-house. Alternatively, you may have a new idea that you want to “battle test” for proof of concept before making an investment decision. Whatever the case, FireCrucible provides you with a structured approach to analyzing the viability, potential customer value and likely competition to your offering. FireCrucible uses a panel of subject matter experts who are trained to explore in a rigorous and objective way the challenges and opportunities that face your fledgling product/ service.

Entering a FireCrucible session

The initial process lasts approximately 60 minutes and comprises a panel of three assessors all of whom have experience in the fire and rescue market. They have been specially trained to follow a proven and incisive approach to inquiry.  While in the FireCrucible session, the line of questioning flows through five phases which focus on the following key areas.

1. Problem Identification and Research
2, Solution building and Capability
3. Customer Value
4. Competitors
5. Target Markets

On completion of the process you will receive immediate verbal feedback and a more detailed written report within 36hours. Further support and advice from Westerns can be provided as commissioned by the client.

The FireCrucible will be held in conjunction with the FireRescue International in Chicago, IL on August 13. The cost is $5,000.00 per evaluation. Space for the event is limited.  Please contact Western Fire Chiefs Association at to reserve your time with the FireCrucible!

Jeffrey Johnson

CEO Western Fire Chiefs Association 

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