Yakima County firefighters in training learn skills to put out fires in wild land areas

  • Source: KIMA-TV CBS 29 Yakima
  • Published: 05/15/2016 08:01 PM

Local firefighters in training now have the skills to help put out flames that spread quickly over open fields. Something fire officials say is crucial, as the upcoming fire season quickly approaches. "It does take some arm power but you get used to it and it's a lot of fun," said Yakima County Fire District 5 volunteer Brenda Torres. Torres has been volunteering with Yakima County Fire District 5 for almost a year. She says she joined because she wants to help others in dire situations. "With District 5 you get to help them with fires and you get to go to medical calls and you do wild lands as well," Torres said. That wild lands training is what she and 20 other recruits participated in Sunday. Groups of trainees learned how to properly fight fires that quickly spark up in open fields, from how to handle hoses and pumps to using digging tools to put out flames. All a chance to hone their craft in a controlled situation. "Get them an opportunity to practice and maybe make poor decisions or mistakes in a training environment so that way when the real thing does come, they're ready to go," said Fire District Captain Dave Martin.


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