Everett mayor to tech company: Emergency system failures unacceptable

  • Source: Everett Herald
  • Published: 06/16/2016 08:35 PM

Mayor Ray Stephanson heard about the dispatching failures during Everett's recent three-alarm warehouse fire, and he's not happy. Stephanson on Wednesday sent a pointed letter to New World, the technology company responsible for Snohomish County's balky 8-month-old emergency dispatching software. In the letter, he referred to the troubles as “simply unacceptable” and said continued problems could put people in danger. “I am concerned that the lack of a consistently reliable system is leaving our crews and residents vulnerable to serious risks,” Stephanson wrote. The New World software glitched out during the June 4 warehouse fire in Everett. The glitch resulted in the delayed dispatching of backup firefighting crews for nearly 23 minutes, public records show. Stephanson asked New World managers to respond to him with plans to make it right. As of Thursday evening, that hadn't happened. The Daily Herald obtained a copy of the mayor's letter through a public records request.


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