Police: Man deliberately set fire to Lakewood mobile home

  • Source: KOMO-TV ABC 4 and Radio 1000
  • Published: 10/24/2015 04:41 PM

Officers arrested a 56-year-old man suspected of setting fire to a couple's mobile home as they slept inside early Friday morning. Mark David Bolf was arrested Friday evening by Lakewood police, and is now facing arson charges. Investigators believe Bolf was seeking retribution after an eviction when he deliberately set fire to the mobile home, Lieutenant John Unfred said. Rick and Denise Hall managed to escape the 6 a.m. fire through a backdoor, but suffered smoke inhalation and were rushed to a nearby hospital. "I heard this popping," said Rick Hall from his hospital bed. "Like a bomb going off. Something exploding." The Halls' two cats were killed despite the couple's efforts to run back into the mobile home and rescue them. The Halls did manage to rescue their dogs, and they are now being cared for by neighbor and friend Robin Sauer. "Denise is okay," said Sauer. "Obviously it's hard to lose everything you have. Pretty much everything is gone. But as long as they're safe. Rick and her got out."


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