South Kitsap Fire & Rescue Asks for Bond to Purchase Needed Vehicles, Gear

  • Source: Firehouse
  • Published: 10/17/2015 08:35 PM

In recent years, South Kitsap Fire & Rescue got federal help through grants to hire firefighters and buy apparatus. But the grants ran out. As a result, the department closed three fire stations and throttled back from 84 firefighters to 72 through attrition. Now, its budget has no room for vehicle purchases, according to South Kitsap Fire & Rescue Chief Steve Wright. "We wring the quality and life out of every one of our apparatuses," Wright said. The district is going to voters with a bond on the Nov. 3 ballot, asking them to approve a proposal that will raise property taxes by 15 cents per thousand of assessed property value, amounting to $37.50 on a $250,000 home over the next five years. Sixty percent of voters must approve it for the measure to pass. The $4.9 million raised would go for six firetrucks, five water tenders, three ambulances, firefighting and EMS gear, and establish an equipment replacement fund for future needs. "We really tried to focus on the critical need," Wright said. "And apparatus is the most critical delivery tool." The department will replace almost all of its water tender fleet, a resource widely needed in an area where many neighborhoods have no access to hydrants. Six of South Kitsap's seven water tenders are 25 years old or older; one is 38. South Kitsap hasn't replaced a fire engine in seven years, he added. Of the fleet of 13 engines, six are older than 25 years, two are older than 15 and four are older than 10. Building a sustainable department "is what the public expects," Wright said.


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