Eastside firefighters help deliver baby at fire station

  • Source: KOMO-TV ABC 4 and Radio 1000
  • Published: 11/12/2015 07:27 AM

A group of Eastside firefighters turned their station into a delivery room Wednesday afternoon. Ryan Kober was trying to drive his wife, Jessica, to the hospital, when they got held up by a stop light. Kober said she started feeling strong labor pains and he knew they weren't going to make it in time. So, he found the nearest fire station and knocked on the door. It happened to be Eastside Fire & Rescue Station #83. "A big surprise for us," said fire Lieutenant Ryan Anderson. "We usually show up at the emergencies, they don't usually show up at our front door step." Kober went up and pounded on the fire station door. "He was frantic and his wife seemed to be not doing so well," said Anderson. "We opened up the back door, he told us she was pregnant and she was delivering her baby." Anderson and fellow crew members Jason Stotler and Mark Harper put Jessica on a stretcher and rushed her inside. Stotler got supplies, while the other two went to work helping deliver the baby right in the middle of the station, between a fire engine and an ambulance. "We prepared, and before we knew it the little baby girl was there," said Anderson. Her parents named her Melody.


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