Whitman County Planned Parenthood arson investigation slows in Pullman

  • Source: KREM-TV CBS 2
  • Published: 12/02/2015 07:39 PM

The case has slowed in Pullman as police reach dead ends looking for the person behind a Planned Parenthood arson. In September, someone set fire to the clinic in Pullman along SE King Drive. Police said fire alarms and burglary alarms were tripped at the same time. They later ruled it as arson. A $10,000 reward was offered for information on the fire that caused $250,000 worth of damages according to Planned Parenthood. Part of the crime was caught by security cameras. Pullman police said they investigated several leads in this case in early September when the fire first happened. But none of the leads ended with arrests. But by December, the investigation had slowed. The FBI got involved along with investigators from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. At one point Pullman Police even talked with authorities in Thousand Oaks, California who were investigating an arson at a Planned Parenthood clinic there to see if that would turn up anything.


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