Spokane: Charger sparked lower South Hill fire that killed cats

  • Source: Northwest Cable News
  • Published: 12/01/2015 03:31 PM

Spokane fire officials said a cell phone charger sparked a fire at an apartment on the lower South Hill Monday morning that killed two cats. Officials said the ceramic register in the charger overheated and started the fire. Fire crews said at least four tenants at the Madison Terrace Apartments are displaced and no one else was injured. Firefighters briefly shut down 11th Ave. to fight the fire when they arrived around 11:00 a.m. They later confirmed the flames started in a lower level apartment and it was threatening the second and third levels. Authorities said flames destroyed one apartment and smoke damaged the units above. The American Red Cross was called to assist the occupants in making arrangements for accommodations, food and clothing.


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