Seattle 9-year-old fire spinner petitions Seattle Fire Department

  • Source: Northwest Cable News
  • Published: 12/01/2015 10:53 PM

Playing with fire isn't something that's usually encouraged among kids. But what about performing with fire? A nine-year-old in Seattle is now fighting for his right to do just that. Hayden is part of the city's fire performance art community. He's been spinning fire poi regularly, under the watchful eyes of his parents and other highly trained people who've helped teach him the craft. So when he heard about a set of strict new guidelines that would allow the Seattle Fire Department to better regulate fire performance art, Hayden became concerned. "If it went through, it would be a pretty long time before I got to spin fire again," said Hayden. "Almost seven years." A spokesperson for the fire department told KING 5 the growing popularity of fire spinning is what prompted the proposed new rules. She said that the department is just trying to identify ways to protect the public and keep people safe. But if the rules takes effect, children under the age of 16 wouldn't legally be allowed to participate in fire performance art. That prompted Hayden to start a petition, with the support of his parents. "That seemed like an awful long time to deprive him of something he's very interested in," said Hayden's father, James. "We are always present when he's spinning fire, and we have a lot of confidence not only in him but in the people around him and the safety procedures in place." Hayden's petition outlines the key concerns of those in the fire performance art community. Age restrictions are just one of them. Also raising red flags for Hayden's fellow fire spinners are the proposed permitting requirements, insurance requirements, fuel restrictions, and clothing restrictions. The petition urges the City of Seattle and the Seattle Fire Department to seek the input of the fire performance arts community before adopting any new regulations. As of Tuesday evening, more than 800 people had signed the petition.


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