South County Fire deputy chief awarded national fire service scholarship

  • Source: Lynnwood Today
  • Published: 09/06/2018 11:51 PM

South County Fire Deputy Chief Shaughn Maxwell has been awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the International Association of Fire Chiefs Foundation. He is one of 46 scholarship recipients selected from across the country. “As a recipient, you represent the future of the fire service to lead, serve and protect our communities,” wrote IAFC Foundation President Anthony P. Campisi in a letter congratulating Maxwell. Maxwell is pursuing a master’s degree in human factors psychology. He said he plans to use what he learns to help firefighters and paramedics perform at high levels on emergency calls and to help reduce post-traumatic stress syndrome in first responders. Maxwell leads South County Fire’s emergency medical services (EMS) division. He serves on state and federal committees developing national performance metrics and clinical standards.


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