Police arrest Port Angeles teen after Black Diamond crash, rescue

  • Source: Port Angeles Peninsula Daily News
  • Published: 06/19/2016 02:53 AM

A Port Angeles teen was arrested for investigation of vehicular assault after the SUV he was driving plunged almost 400 feet down a Black Diamond Road embankment, the Clallam County Sheriff’s Office said. Gunner S. Gallauher, 18, was booked into the Clallam County jail Friday after the wreck, which was reported to Clallam County Fire District No. 2 at 12:39 that morning, said Sheriff’s Sgt. John Hollis. Gallauher was not listed on the jail roster Saturday afternoon. Gallauher and two passengers were reportedly treated and released for minor injuries from Olympic Medical Center after emergency crews from several different departments worked for two hours and 35 minutes to bring them up to the road. One of the occupants suffered a fractured rib, Hollis said. Two others reportedly walked away from the crash and were checked out by emergency medical personnel at the scene before they were taken home. Hollis identified three passengers as Port Angeles residents Dustin Taylor, 22; Keegan Walker, 18; and Alexander Evans, 18. One other passenger was a minor whom Hollis declined to identify, citing Sheriff’s Office policy for juveniles.


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