Kennewick juniper grove fire threatens nearby buildings

  • Source: tri-city herald
  • Published: 06/14/2016 12:00 AM

A Kennewick homeowner sustained minor burns to his face and arms Monday after he tried to burn weeds and lost control of the fire, according to the Kennewick Fire Department. The fire in the 2200 block of South Garfield Street spread to a 75-foot long line of junipers, sending a cloud of dark smoke over south Kennewick about 5:30 p.m. The fire threatened a neighbor’s house and detached garage before firefighters from the Kennewick Fire District and Benton Fire District 1 put it out. It took the efforts of 18 firefighters, said Kennewick said Capt. Eric Nilson. The homeowner who was burned refused medical treatment.


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