2 school buses full of students collide in Renton; 21 kids injured

  • Source: komo news
  • Published: 06/03/2016 12:00 AM

Twenty-one young children and a bus driver sustained minor to moderate injuries as two school buses collided Friday morning in Renton, officials said. The force of the impact sent some of the students flying over seats. Some of them struck their heads and limbs on obstructions from the impact, several of the children told KOMO News crews at the scene. Officers and firefighters responded to the scene, near the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Way and SW Sunset Boulevard, at about 9:30 a.m. after receiving reports of a school bus collision. Arriving at the scene, they found that two Renton School District buses - Bus 13 and Bus 20 - had collided near the intersection in front of the Sunset View Apartments. Both buses were full of students from kindergarten age through fifth grade. Chad Michael, deputy chief of Renton Fire Department, said both buses were enroute to Lake Ridge Elementary School when Bus 13 slammed hard into the back of Bus 20. The front of Bus 13 was smashed and mangled from the impact.


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