Yakima Valley: Two East Valley fires strain firefighters

  • Source: Yakima Herald-Republic
  • Published: 07/29/2016 11:26 AM

Hampered by a shortage of help, firefighters from across the Yakima Valley spent a long night battling two East Valley fires. A 1,000 acre fire off of Morris Lane southeast of Moxee started after a car got stuck and ignited the surrounding vegetation about 10 p.m., said East Valley Fire Department Lt. Ryan Evers. The fire was contained around 4:30 a.m. by firefighters called in from East Valley, Naches Heights, Lower Valley, West Valley and Hanford, Evers said. He wasn’t able to give an estimate on how many firefighters responded, or whether there were any injuries or property damages. Crews will be busy the next several days mopping up. A second fire, about 40 to 50 acres, in Terrace Heights began after fireworks ignited vegetation around 9:18 p.m., Evers said.


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