Hazmat patients released after Fairchild AFB evacuation

  • Source: KREM
  • Published: 07/28/2016 08:41 PM

All the patients have been released after the Fairchild Air Force Base was evacuated on Thursday. There were 14 people sent to the hospital who complained about feeling affected by an irritant both on and off the base. The cause and source of the irritant is related to the ventilation system but is still under investigation, base officials said. The Spokane Fire Department is investigating a hazardous materials incident at the base’s main gate, officials with Fairchild said Thursday. According to officials, a call came in at 8:30 a.m. at the Logistics Readiness Station. At least 24 people reported feeling affected by what officials said is an unknown irritant. Of those, 14 were taken to a local hospital for further treatment. The building was evacuated and emergency crews are still on scene. What exactly that irritant was is unclear. It remains under investigation.


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