City council weigh options how to fully staff Clarkston firefighters shifts

  • Source: klewtv
  • Published: 07/27/2016 12:00 AM

New information on an issue that sparked controversy between the Clarkston Firefighters Union, and the City Council earlier this month. At first, Clarkston’s City Council and the mayor said they wouldn’t fill two vacant full-time positions. But after pleas from the public, and the union, city officials backed away from that decision. However, the issue now is money. Clarkston City Council is still working on a solution. There will be 12 full-time firefighters on shift at a time, which is a fully staffed shift. Monday night, the Clarkston City Council brought up eight possible options that could help bring in the money needed to keep the two full-time positions staffed. Councilmember Skate Pierce said that six of those eight options have been deemed viable and will be under further review.


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