Marysville Firefighters plan to picket against city-run fire department

  • Source: KCPQ-TV FOX 13
  • Published: 07/24/2016 11:13 PM

It's a city growing so fast that firefighters say they’ll soon have trouble keeping up with demand. Marysville Firefighters believe creating a Regional Fire Authority is the solution, but say the city council could stand in the way of that. As early as Monday morning, Marysville Firefighters plan to picket at Marysville City Hall, demanding city council consider a Regional Fire authority rather than a city- run fire department. They say a new model has the potential to cut down response times and potentially save more lives. In a city that has grown exponentially over the last two decades, Marysville City Council and Fire Board member Donna Wright says she recognizes the strain it has put on the fire district. “In 1990, the population was 8500 and now we’re over 65,000,” said Wright. “It’s my understanding that the personnel that we need, we need more, whether we’re a Regional Fire Authority or a fire city department.”


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