One home lost in Grant County fire

  • Source: Wenatchee World
  • Published: 08/03/2016 06:30 AM

One home was lost Tuesday and multiple outbuildings may have been lost as well, said Trooper Jeff Sevigney, spokesman for the fire crews. Early reports from the Grant County Sheriff’s Office stated that multiple structures were lost in the Road 10 fire. “With the fire behavior we saw yesterday it’s really a testament to the crews; they should have lost a lot more,” Sevigney said Wednesday morning. “It was good work by the locals in some tough conditions yesterday.” No injuries have been reported. The fire started about 3 p.m. Tuesday about seven miles north of Moses Lake and spread quickly through brush, grass and sage due to high winds. It’s estimated at 4,100 acres and is zero percent contained Wednesday morning. “I anticipate that would go up dramatically by the end of the day,” Sevigney said. He believes calmer winds will aid efforts. “We’re obviously helped by the change in weather conditions,” Sevigney said. “Winds diminished and cooler temperatures helped us with laying it down.” As of Wednesday morning, there were no evacuation orders. Initially, about 100 structures were threatened, but the the fire has died down in those areas and units are monitoring for hot spots.


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