Clark County Fire District 6 voters OK property tax levy increase

  • Source: Vancouver Columbian
  • Published: 11/03/2015 09:05 PM

Clark County Fire District 6 voters agreed Tuesday to a roughly 18 percent increase in their property tax levy rate. According to preliminary election results, they voted 73.11 percent to 26.89 percent to approve a new, higher rate. District voter turnout was 27.16 percent, with 10,588 ballots cast as of Tuesday night. The levy needed a simple majority to pass. District commissioners and staff got the news during a district board meeting, Assistant Chief of Operations Shawn Newberry said. “We are really grateful and humbled that the district citizens have supported us in this election,” he said. “These funds will be critical in funding our emergency operations, and replacing some of our aging fleet, also our aging facilities.” The levy increase will raise property taxes for landowners in the district from about $1.27 per $1,000 of their assessed property value to $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed value. For a district homeowner with a $250,000 home, increasing the levy amount will mean about $57.50 more per year in property taxes. District officials have said property tax revenue hasn’t kept pace with expenses, prompting the district to go to the voters. “We just want to say we’re humbled by the response and just thank the community so much for the support,” Newberry said.


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