Spokane firefighters help woman deliver baby at STA Plaza

  • Source: KXLY-TV ABC 4
  • Published: 12/15/2015 06:48 PM

A dramatic scene at the STA Plaza unfolded the other day when a woman in her third trimester went into labor in the middle of dozens of bus riders. The woman said she says it was less than a half hour from the time she alerted a security guard she was going into labor to when firefighters delivered the baby. At five o'clock Sunday, the STA Plaza is a busy place, filled with people scrambling to find their bus ride home, when suddenly attention was diverted to the front of the building. “I yelled for security three times for somebody to get security finally somebody got security,” Jane said. It was a month too early but as any mom knows, when it's time, it's time. This mom – due to privacy reasons is being identified as Jane – wasn't due until January 16 so she was doing what she usually does, hanging out with friends at the STA Plaza. “I did have signs but I just thought they were Braxton Hicks, the fake contractions," Jane said. They were very real, so the STA Plaza became a delivery room. About five minutes after a call to 9-1-1, fire fighters and paramedics enter the building and seconds later they set up to deliver the baby while security performed crowd control. “Obviously it's not something that we do on a very frequent basis,” Spokane Assistant Fire Chief Brian Schaeffer said. “We're trained in not only how to deliver babies but also the complications that come with it.”


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