New York town ends disability pay lawsuit against firefighter accused of working side job

  • Source: NY Journal News (
  • Published: 11/27/2018 12:00 AM

City officials have withdrawn a lawsuit against a firefighter accused of working a side job while receiving disability payments. Fire Lt. Peter Joyce was accused by city officials of receiving more than $43,000 in disability pay from taxpayers while working, which is not allowed under the city's contract with firefighters. The city ended its Oct. 2 lawsuit on Tuesday, according to court records. "The city withdrew without prejudice as advised by the judge due to the technicality regarding the amount of money owed to (the) city by Joyce and also to wait for ... Joyce to obtain counsel," Yonkers spokeswoman Christina Gilmartin wrote in an email on Monday. Joyce, who still works for the city, did not respond to a request for comment.


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