Family of intubated dead man files claims for more than $15 million against Washington city

  • Source: Bellingham Herald
  • Published: 11/26/2018 12:00 AM

Family members of the deceased man Bellingham Fire Department employees practiced performing endotracheal intubations on in late July have filed three separate claims for damages seeking more than $15.5 million from the city of Bellingham, according to records from the Bellingham City Attorney’s office. On July 31, 11 fire department employees, including two office workers, admitted to performing “tube checks” on the body of Bradley Ginn Sr. while he was on the floor of Station 1. His body was waiting to be picked up to be taken to a funeral home. A report by Seattle attorney Sarah I. Hale revealed that “tube checks” were an accepted practice paramedics used to meet certification requirements. After patients died, paramedics took out breathing tubes that were placed as life-saving measures and then quickly re-inserting them to help paramedics practice the procedure.


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