Texas church shooting leaves 26 dead, including 8 members of one family

  • Source: CNN
  • Published: 11/06/2017 12:00 AM

The gunman behind the deadliest mass shooting in Texas history had in-laws who attended the church he targeted, the local sheriff said. "We know that his ex- in-laws or in-laws came to church here from time to time," Wilson County Sheriff Joe Tackitt told CNN Monday. "They were not here yesterday. So we don't know why he actually showed up yesterday." The rifle-wielding shooter burst into the sanctuary of the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs on Sunday, killing 26 people -- including children. Another 20 people were wounded. The massacre left about 4% of the small town's population dead. And virtually no one at the church was left unscathed, Tackitt said.


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