Texas firefighters narrowly escape roof collapse at warehouse fire

  • Source: Star-Telegram
  • Published: 06/05/2017 12:00 AM

Investigators in Fort Worth and Grapevine are still trying to determine what caused overnight fires at a warehouse and a vacant restaurant. Firefighters responding to a warehouse fire in Fort Worth were pulled out of harms way before the structure’s roof collapsed, according to a Fort Worth fire official. When the first unit of firefighters arrived about 2:25 a.m. Saturday they reported seeing light smoke coming from the building, located at 4912 Rondo Drive, and went in to begin fighting the blaze, said Kyle Falkner, Fort Worth Fire Department spokesman. “While trying to put out the fire, crews heard and saw explosions inside the building,” Falkner said. Moments after the firefighters entered they became concerned about the building’s structural integrity and command staff ordered everyone out, Falkner said.


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