Texas volunteer firefighter suspended after truck crash into home

  • Source: abc13.com
  • Published: 07/06/2017 12:00 AM

A volunteer firefighter has been released from a La Porte jail after slamming his pickup truck into a child's bedroom Tuesday night. Blake Stevens was suspended from duty from the La Porte Fire Department, and said he is going to resign. Stevens also offered an apology to the family whose home he crashed into, and to any firefighter he said he's embarrassed by the crash. He stopped short of answering any questions about whether he had been drinking, however. Authorities received a call about the crash around 10:45 p.m. Tuesday in the 500 block of North Shady Lane. Witnesses said a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed jumped a ditch, crashed through a steel fence and into a child's bedroom. The room was vacant when the vehicle plowed into it.


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