Minneapolis-St. Paul fire departments try to clean up culture of dirty gear

  • Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune
  • Published: 10/03/2016 12:00 AM

It was a badge of honor, dirty gear. Smoke-scarred protective suits carried a message, St. Paul Fire Marshal Steve Zaccard said: “You fought fires.” St. Paul Fire Department staff scrubbed gear and protective clothing after a house fire Tuesday, part of an effort to reduce their risk of cancer. “It exudes confidence and experience and competence,” he said. “But we’ve really got to change our thinking on that.” Why? Because the unwashed gear also carries carcinogens and is thought to contribute to the higher rate of cancer among firefighters. So fire departments across the country are trying to clean up the culture around protective equipment by adding high-tech washers and dryers and increasing training about cancer risks.


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