Pennsylvania firefighters injured at blaze after fire engine rolls during pump operations

  • Source: citizens voice
  • Published: 05/31/2016 12:00 AM

A man and dog escaped a fire that erupted at noon Saturday and destroyed the home at 435 New St., Germania Hose Company Chief Joe Bender said. Three firefighters sustained minor injuries when a fire engine malfunctioned as the crew was setting up to pump water, and the vehicle’s windshield smashed into a tree after the fire engine began rolling, Bender said. The fire was out by 4:30 p.m. Firefighters from 12 other fire companies responded, Bender said. The cause of the fire is under investigation, and three people were living in the damaged home, Bender said. Jef and Amanda Bauman, who live next door at 429 New St., commended the firefighters for containing the fire to the one property. The damaged home was just a few feet away, and knocked-over trees lined up next to their home. “I am thankful for them,” Amanda Bauman said. “I am glad everyone got out safe.” Jef Bauman was on his way to work when the fire next door started. Amanda Bauman was home with her pets, Patches, an 11-week-old English Setter, and Mr. Mufasa, a 6-year-old cat. “I got a call from a friend about a fire on the street,” Amanda Bauman said. “I opened the door and saw the front of the house on fire. I grabbed the cat and dog and got out.”


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