Mississippi firefighter, a year later: Face transplant has ‘given me my life back’

  • Source: Washington Post
  • Published: 08/25/2016 12:00 AM

For Patrick Hardison, the Mississippi volunteer firefighter who underwent the world’s most extensive face transplant one year ago, the highlights of the past year have been things most people take for granted: People no longer stare. Children don’t run away. He can drive again. When he went to Disney World with his family, he was able to swim in the pool. It was the first time in 15 years. “I’m pretty much back to being a normal guy, doing normal activities,” he said at a news conference Wednesday. Hardison, now 42 years old and the father of five, suffered severe, disfiguring burns on his face while on duty in an accident. Last August, Hardison underwent a marathon surgery where a team of more than 100 doctors, nurses and technical assistants gave him a new face donated by the family of a 26-year-old Ohio native, David Rodebaugh, who died when he fell off his bike.


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