Seven fires burning in Olympic National Park; one evidence of what could come with climate change

  • Source: Northwest Public Broadcasting
  • Published: 09/21/2023 12:00 AM

Visible from the smoke they’re emitting, seven fires are burning within the wilderness of Olympic National Park on the Olympic Peninsula. Lightning strikes ignited the fires Aug. 28, and all were burning relatively small until this past weekend, when the Delabarre fire took advantage of hot, dry conditions and took off like a bandit, growing to over 3,500 acres. Folks familiar with this national park, known for having verdurous, dense wilderness and frequent precipitation may be surprised to learn that wildfires are eating up vegetation and growing to encompass sizable land here. “There was so much moisture, it was thought that it couldn’t burn,” said Rep. Steve Tharinger, who represents Washington’s 24th legislative district, which includes most of the Olympic Peninsula.


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