Clark County fire station now staffed full-time due to partnership between fire districts

  • Source: KGW-TV NBC 8 Portland
  • Published: 09/12/2023 12:00 AM

VIDEO: Fire Station 151, near the Clark County Fairgrounds, has been used only lightly since it was finished about 20 years ago. Now, a new partnership between two fire districts has the station up and running with full-time staff. Clark-Cowlitz Fire Rescue and Clark County Fire District 6 began jointly staffing the station full-time this month, with Clark-Cowlitz crews there for one-third of the time and Clark County crews on staff the remaining two-thirds of the time. The station sits on the border of the two fire districts. The staffing arrangement provides emergency service coverage around Northwest 179th Street in Ridgefield. Nearby fields are being cleared to make way for new housing developments. "This station was built over 20 years ago and it was a vision before its time by the chiefs that built it," said Chief Kristen Mauer with Clark County Fire District 6.


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