San Juan Island firefighters climb for Leukemia and Lymphoma awareness

  • Source: Journal of the San Juans
  • Published: 02/19/2019 01:05 PM

On Saturday, Feb. 23, at Friday Harbor Marketplace from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., San Juan Island Fire and Rescue firefighters will be out in front of the store raising funds for the 2019 Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Stairclimb. The firefighters are dedicating their fundraising climb in honor of former San Juan Island Fire District 3 Commissioner John Jensen, who successfully battled multiple myeloma last year. Jensen served as a fire commissioner for 18 years. Lieutenants Michael Henderson and Gilbert Venegas and firefighters Mark Wagner and Michelangelo von Dassow will be in full structural turnout gear – boots, pants, coat (liners intact), helmet and gloves, and using their breathing apparatus on a stair climber exercise machine in front of the market to raise money to fight blood cancers and prepare for their participation in the world’s largest on-air stair climb competition.


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