Denison Fire puts search and rescue skills to the test

  • Source: KXII-TV CBS/MyNetworkTV/FOX 12 Sherman
  • Published: 05/18/2023 12:00 AM

Waterloo Park in Denison sees at least 30,000 people every year and the 7 mile walk and bike trails lead through dense woods. In the event someone needs medical attention, Denison Fire Rescue is ready to jump into action. “Today we did a wildlife search and rescue,” said Denison Training Chief Roger Virgin. Virgin waited in the woods with a dummy patient who sustained injuries, “a mountain biker fell off his bike, hit his head and we sent out four hasty teams.” News 12 followed along with Captain Jamie Robinson who successfully located the biker, “walking down through there, we were able to locate the patient about 50 yards off into the brush.” Robinson’s next action was to inform his team and give them direction on how to find the biker's location, “still being able to have radio contact and then modern technologies, phones, we can drop pins where we are.”


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