Search and rescue: Smithfield Fire Department's drone program has many uses

  • Source: The Valley Breeze
  • Published: 06/14/2024 12:00 AM

The Smithfield Fire Department is developing a new drone program to help with public safety operations, thanks to two legislative grants that will help pay for the drone and training, said Chief Robert Seltzer. Seltzer said he received $3,000 grants from the Rhode Island House of Representatives and Senate, and is requesting another $1,000 from the Trust Safety Enhancement Grant to pay for the $9,928 drone. The drone will function as a tool in day-to-day operations, helping avoid putting employees into hazardous environments, according to Seltzer. “The goal of the drone program is to assist in performing our services (for) the public. But, by doing it in a safer manner for our employees, we are protecting our employees’ well-being,” he stated.


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