Dashcam video released after deer jumps through RIPTA bus windshield in Warwick

  • Source: WLNE-TV ABC 6 New Bedford
  • Published: 06/13/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: Officials have released dashcam footage Tuesday from an incident in which a deer jumped through the windshield of a Rhode Island Public Transit Authority bus. RIPTA interim CEO Christopher Durand said a deer unexpectedly ran into a RIPTA bus traveling on Warwick Avenue in Warwick on Monday. The Warwick Police Department said six passengers were on the bus at the time, two had minor injuries due to broken glass and were taken to the hospital. A third passenger went to the hospital on their own to be treated for minor injuries. The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management said the deer was dead when an Environmental Police Officer arrived at the scene. Durand commended bus driver Leocadio Hernandez for his “exemplary response to this unique situation.”


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