State Fire Marshal offers safety tips during ‘busy’ fire season

  • Source: WPRI-TV CBS/MyNetworkTV 12 Providence
  • Published: 06/07/2024 12:00 AM

In the last two weeks, Rhode Island State Fire Marshal Tim McLaughlin told 12 News his office has investigated about a dozen fires. Many remain under investigation and likely don’t share the same cause, but this is a time of year when McLaughlin said firefighters respond to more incidents. “This will start our busy season,” McLaughlin said during a live interview on 12 News at 4 Tuesday. “We have a litany of things that start fires relatively quickly when it’s dry, it’s warm.” Outdoor grills are considered one of the leading causes of fires, McLaughlin said. If you have a grill on your deck, he suggests keeping it three feet away from the side of your home or railings, and out of reach of kids or pets. “People are having a good time around the fire pit, they’re not paying attention,” McLaughlin said.


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