TwoTen Oyster Bar in South Kingstown damaged by fire

  • Source: WPRI-TV CBS/MyNetworkTV 12 Providence
  • Published: 06/05/2024 12:00 AM

A popular South County restaurant has been forced to temporarily close after it was damaged in a fire early Tuesday morning. Firefighters responded to TwoTen Oyster Bar & Grill around 4 a.m. after getting a call from someone who had just driven by, according to the Union Fire District. Crews arrived to find flames on the deck that had spread to the kitchen area. Union Fire Chief Steven Pinch said they were able to put out the fire in about 35 minutes. No injuries were reported. Pinch said there was “a lot of damage” to the building, but it doesn’t appear to be a total loss. In a Facebook post, the restaurant said it will be closed until further notice. “We appreciate your patience and continued support as we navigate our current situation,” the post said.


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