Obituary: Douglas S. DeMerchant, Richmond Carolina Volunteer Fire Department Captain

  • Source: Legacy
  • Published: 03/03/2023 12:00 AM

Douglas S. DeMerchant, 90, of Carolina, RI died unexpectedly on Tuesday March 1, 2023 at his home. He was the beloved husband of Mary F. (Burrows) DeMerchant, sadly she predeceased him on March 21, 2021. Born in Providence, RI on May 6, 1932 he was the son of the late Oscar L. and Ethel (Kee) DeMerchant. Mr. DeMerchant was a carpenter by trade and was employed at Electric Boat in Groton, CT for many years before retiring. Doug was a life member of the Richmond Carolina Volunteer Fire Dept. and had obtained the rank of Captain. He was an avid woodworker and enjoyed making his replica models of toys that would be in demand at many fire department raffles in the Carolina community. He also enjoyed collecting antiques and spending time with his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.


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