Inaugural Emergency Services Expo comes to White Township

  • Source: WFMZ-TV 69 Allentown
  • Published: 06/24/2024 09:15 PM

White Township is set to host its inaugural Emergency Services Expo from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at the township recreation complex. The free, public event will give residents the chance to meet their local emergency service workers and learn more about some of the career opportunities in the field. Regional first responders such as police, fire and ambulance services and other related emergency service partners will show off their vehicles, equipment and technology; demonstrate their skills and talents; and answer questions about their missions to protect property and save lives, according to township public relations and communications specialist Chauncey Ross. “It is family-friendly, and it’s geared toward anyone — from the youngest to the oldest folks,” Ross said.


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