Fire damages 2 homes in Slatington

  • Source: WFMZ-TV 69 Allentown
  • Published: 06/21/2024 08:39 AM

VIDEO: Two row homes in Slatington are badly damaged after a two-alarm fire Friday morning. Just before 5:30 a.m., the Slatington Fire Department got the call that a home in the 300 block of Williams Street was on fire. Asst. Fire Chief Ron Hausman said it was clear when they got to the scene that the fire was up in the attic. "We had heavy smoke coming from the eaves of both 316, 314 side," said Hausman. They used a ladder truck to start spraying water on both rooftops where the fire had spread, and thankfully they were able to quickly contain it. "We held it to the attic area," said Hausman. "One of the things that did help is we were able to break one of the sun lights in the top. That tried to help vent it and keep it to that area." As the day wore on, the temperature turned up.


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