Massive fire destroys bar building in Westmoreland County

  • Source: KDKA-TV CBS 2 Pittsburgh
  • Published: 06/17/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: Crews in Avonmore, Westmoreland County, spent hours on Saturday working to put out a fire that destroyed a bar building that has stood for the better part of a century in the town's downtown district. Large flames shot up from the side of the My Buddy's Place building, and smoke could be seen for miles around the town. Everyone made it out safely, but firefighters are working under the assumption that one dog did die in the fire. For neighbors, watching the fire had been surreal. By 11 p.m., excavators had already reduced the majority of the structure to rubble in an attempt to help put out remaining hot spots. More than 20 fire departments were called in to fight the fire. Crews faced both heat and a lack of water as challenges. Marvin Shankle watched the fire with his wife from their home a block away.


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