Bucks County: First Responders Honored By Lingohocken Fire Company For Saving Mother's Life

  • Source: Doylestown Patch
  • Published: 06/14/2024 06:12 AM

A Buckingham Township mother of two is alive and well today thanks to the quick actions of her husband and two Buckingham Township police officers who were recognized this week with life saving awards from the Lingohocken Fire Company. On April 10, Rhiannon Harrington’s husband, Shawn, a Lingohocken firefighter noticed something was wrong with his wife. He recognized the signs as cardiac arrest and immediately began CPR. “His CPR training kicked in without hesitation starting with the immediate activation of the 9-1-1 system,” said Lingohocken Deputy Chief Ethan Tecker. “Shawn was prompted and guided by the calm voice of dispatcher Theresa Groves. Shawn began uninterrupted high volume CPR just as he had been trained to do.”


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