Some Latrobe first responders concerned bridge work could impact emergency response time

  • Source: WPXI-TV NBC 11 Pittsburgh
  • Published: 06/12/2024 12:22 AM

VIDEO: Four bridges in Latrobe are expected to see rehabilitation work completed on them in 2026, but some first responders are voicing concerns ahead of time when it comes to a potential delay in response times in some areas as that work is being done. “It’s gonna make the routes for response times a little more out of the way for us,” said Latrobe Fire Chief John Brasile. “It’s going to be a bit of a challenge, and it’s going to be a little more time-consuming.” Despite those challenges, he says work on these bridges is needed. “Taking care of them now, it prevents a bigger problem down the road,” Brasile said. Officials from PennDOT agree. “I think our infrastructure in this area is important to us because we’re all using it, you know?” said Cristin Covert, Local Project Manager with PennDOT.


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