Fire hits home in Pottsville; one firefighter injured

  • Source: WNEP-TV ABC 16 Scranton
  • Published: 06/12/2024 01:15 PM

Firefighters battled flames at a home in Schuylkill County on Wednesday morning. Crews were called out around 9:45 a.m. to a double-block home in the 400 block of East Norwegian Street in Pottsville. The fire chief said two people lived on one side, and one person with three cats lived on the other. A neighbor across the street heard a loud bang and went outside to see what was happening. "It was scary just to see the second level," Elaina Galle said." I saw perfect flames, and it looked like it was inside the house, and I'm like, 'Oh, my God! The house is on fire!'" It took crews a little over an hour to put out the fire. The emergency left one firefighter injured. "He was hit with something that came off a pole on his wrist, and he's still up in East right now that I know of," Pottsville Fire Chief James Misstishin said.


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