Easton honors first responders, who were firsts in their fields, in city's first-ever Juneteenth awards

  • Source: WFMZ-TV 69 Allentown
  • Published: 06/12/2024 08:15 PM

VIDEO: Juneteenth is right around the corner. Juneteenth is named for June 19th, 1865, the date officially recognized as the end of slavery. This year, the City of Easton is honoring members of its community with its first "Juneteenth Recognition Awards." Wednesday night, at Easton's City Council meeting, it was a night of firsts. Announcing its first-ever Juneteenth Recognition Awards, the city honored a few of its first responders, who were the firsts in their fields. Certificates were handed out as a council member read out the biographies of this year's three honorees. Officer Andrew B. Theadford, Sr. was the Easton Police Department's first Black police officer. "The date was 1953, I believe it was, that he became a patrolman," Theadford's son, Joseph A. Theadford Sr., said. "He was a fair guy, because he always gave everybody a chance."


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