74-year-old man charged with arson and other offenses following fire in Etna

  • Source: WTAE-TV ABC 4 Pittsburgh
  • Published: 06/12/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: Pittsburgh's Action News 4 obtained a criminal complaint on June 12 detailing charges of arson and other offenses against Elmer Lewis, 74, of Etna. Lewis allegedly said to a witness, "I set my own house on fire." before telling another neighbor, "I needed more gasoline." Police said he later confessed to setting his home on fire in an interview with detectives, telling police he poured gasoline throughout his unit and on the floor of the garage next door. Neighbors tell Pittsburgh's Action News 4 that Lewis was a good mechanic and used the next-door garage to do his work. "He was a good mechanic ... a good guy," said Arthur McCormick, a friend of Lewis. McCormick added, "He just snapped." Police say it was just before noon on Tuesday when neighbors in the unit next door said they smelled gas and heard a loud explosion.


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