Bethlehem swears in new firefighters

  • Source: WFMZ-TV 69 Allentown
  • Published: 06/10/2024 07:15 PM

VIDEO: The City of Bethlehem swore in seven new firefighters Monday. The recent graduates of the Allentown Fire Academy are taking no time off and hopped into action Tuesday. Bethlehem Fire Chief Michael Reich says Monday was a good day to recognize these new members. Mayor J. William Reynolds emphasized the importance of recruiting first responders. "It's hard to recruit good people, so we're doing everything we can day in and day out to try and make sure we recruit as many as we can into our police department, our fire department, our paramedics and things like that. So we had some success from this class, like I said we got seven more firefighters, we got more coming in the future," Reynolds said. In addition to the new firefighters, the department also recognized six members who were recently promoted to lieutenant and captain positions.


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