2 cases of measles confirmed in Clackamas County with possible exposure in Marion County

  • Source: KPTV FOX 12 Portland
  • Published: 06/18/2024 12:00 AM

Oregon Health Authority officials have confirmed two cases of measles in a single household in Clackamas County. OHA says the two people, an unvaccinated adult and an unvaccinated child, are believed to have been exposed in Marion County between May 19 and June 4. The exact location of the exposure is not known, which leads health officials to believe there may be other, unreported measles cases in Oregon. Both people are recovering. “Spreading measles from one person to another is pretty easy, as it’s a highly infectious disease,” said Paul R. Cieslak, M.D., medical director for communicable diseases and immunizations at OHA’s Public Health Division. “That’s why it’s extremely important that all adults and children in their household be up to date on vaccinations.”


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